Restoration of the 1800 square feet Union Missionary Baptist Church sanctuary is almost complete. The very careful crew led by Danny Hurt is working to “finish out” the interior features using the original materials and the original designs of the 1883 founders. “With the air conditioning running, our limited amount of new wood is drying and shrinking causing a few minor adjustments. That original wood is not going anywhere,” said Hurt as he installed new molding around the southeast corner.
The pulpit area of the UMBC sanctuary showing new versus old wood and Hurt in the corner on the ladder.
Annex Stubbed Out and In the Dry
The 900 square feet annex structure is in the dry, stubbed out for restrooms and catering, and the historic baptismal located inside has been expertly restored by Robert Capps.
Before & After view of the baptismal. Capps is shown doing the work.
Breezeway and Annex at rear of sanctuary. Plumbing stubs in one of two restrooms.