Within the Union Missionary Baptist Church restoration process is an initial step where current conditions are examined to detect deteriorated materials which can be repaired or replaced. The suitable approaches being used for different restoration components in priority order are:
(1) Protect and Maintain – directed toward architectural materials and features that define the building’s character and includes maintenance of historic materials using treatments such as rust removal, caulking, paint removal, and reapplication of paint;
(2) Repair-for character – defining materials and features warranting additional work, repair work such as patching, piecing-in, splicing, reinforcing or upgrading in accordance with recognized preservation methods including in kind replacement or with substitute materials conveying the visual appearance of the remaining parts of the feature and finish; and
(3) Replacement – When deterioration of material precludes repair, the features are replaced with in kind or compatible substitute material.
Currently, our very careful work crew is repairing and replacing the walls to our historic structure.
In this picture (above), inner wall bead boards which are being maintained and protected can be seen. Also, one can see that a few original north wall studs are being utilized and new studs have been added to increase strength and stability. In addition, the location of new replacement windows was being determined as this picture was taken on January 31.
Oriented Strand Board (OSB) is being added in the walls for strength and durability, an additional seal, and more insulation to the walls of the sanctuary structure. Some outside siding will be protected and maintained while the majority will be replaced with in kind material.

OSB donated by Norbord, Inc., was installed over the protected and re-placed wall studs. On the outside walls, siding will go on over OSB. Protected and maintained siding will be installed over the OSB.

The wall on the south side of the building had to be replaced. It can be seen from inside the sanctuary. Window locations are being outfitted to accept window frames after openings are cut.
Currently as of the end of July 2019 you can see some of the updated pictures below.
Annex and breezeway have been added, windows have bee completed, and the baptismal brick work mortar was tuck pointed.