Bent rafters which had to be replaced
Within the Union Missionary Baptist Church (UMBC) restoration process is an initial discovery step where current conditions are examined. Much of the inquiry into the roof’s condition detected deteriorated lumber requiring limited repair and copious replacement. Rafters and joists were broken, bent, or rotten while the decking was warped and rotten.

New roof joists going in at UMBC
Our careful work crew was extremely meticulous to repair and leave good materials in place when found. “The new joists, decking, and singles make the roof better than ever,” said general contractor Danny Hurt. Old materials removed in previous roofing jobs were discovered in the attic continuing the story of re-purpose, reuse, and make do with what is at hand.

New roof with green shingles finished
The earliest congregation associated with the UMBC dates back to the early 1840’s. The property was donated to local slaves then to allow them their own place of worship in town. The first structure was erected by 1847. Unfortunately due to racial tension, the church became a target by the Knights of the Rising Sun. In 1868, after several attempts to destroy the church, unfortunately the KRS was successful in burning the church. It wouldn’t be until 1883 that the church would be deeded back to the congregation, and the current structure was built. Services at the UMBC continued until 1996, with on final service led by Rev. Al Green in 2011.